Elizabeth Holmes
  • Class of 2012
  • Arnold, MD

Elizabeth Holmes Graduates from York College of Pennsylvania

2012 Dec 20

Elizabeth Holmes of Arnold, MD, graduated Cum Laude from York College of Pennsylvania on Dec. 19. Holmes earned a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Located in southcentral Pennsylvania, York College offers more than 50 baccalaureate majors in professional programs, the sciences and humanities to its 4,600 undergraduate students. The College also offers master's programs in business, education and nursing, and a doctorate in nursing practice. A center of affordable academic excellence, York is dedicated to the intellectual, professional and social growth of its students. The College helps them develop a concrete plan to attain academic growth and career success; encourages them to try in the "real world" what they learn in the classroom; and prepares them to be professionals in whatever career they pursue.